well..talk about assignment, my part for my intro to mass comm's magazine is done now..thnks to ugen for that...he helped me alot..and taught me a lot of things...really pai seh to disturb him...so if u happen to drop by at my blog..thnkx alot ya..hehe..will treat u yam cha some other time when u're free..hehe..
1st time using photoshop..done by me...

corrected and edited by ugen..hahah...i changed my mind not to used that just married anymore after the changes of the topic..heheh...

corrected by ugen..

mine is not matured enough the font..haha....once again... THANK YOU ugen..haha
gonna start and finish up my english for mass comm's part later in the noon or maybe tonight... and tomorrow will settle my part for Interpersonal Communication..sigh..tonnes of assignments.. and after settling everything, need to start doing revision for my finals d..4 majors with 3 of them cost us 4 credit hours...cannot play a fool with it..need to maintain at least 3.0 no matter what happens..pray hard that i can do it..
ok...let's change topic...have been quite busy for the past weekend as i was the committee for the Mass Comm Society's ice breaking event..here are some of the pictures that i took during the camp..sorry for the low quality of picture...hehe
chao tiong helping one of the grp to act at the PR station
the other grp acting
the station master explaining to the participants
my 宝贝da and baby jess
me and 宝贝
me and baby
one of the grp playing at li enn and pei woon's station
the AV station
The JR station
Alvin being splashed coz he lose..haha
evin and april
when things go wrong..
sue ann and the participants
alvin's grp...u have to squeeze into 3 chairs and 'travel'(move) around till the furthest u can..
does it look like their in jail?
the winning group
at the av station again
never ever 得罪(is this the correct word?) woman or shall i say..FEMALE
grp pics time
PR station
out chairman eng aun being splashed
me and alice
me and chao tiong
me and him again-self shot this time
me and pei woon
~luv & hugs~muakss
*¦Têññêê a.k.a.*¦¢µ±!e_Gîr£¦* a.k.a §ümlvlèr ¦*