for those who dunno what's kellie's castle, it's a castle belongs to a guy called kellie smith..and that castle is about the love story of him and his's about a gift for his not sure give of memorial..forgotten..haha..but it was ruined and demolished during the 2nd world war..that mansion is now about 200 year old if im not mistaken...and till now, there are ppl who spotted the soul of kellie smith wandering around at the corridor, and also his daughter's soul in her bedroom..very interesting story. for more info, pls click here..
here are the pictures that we've taken for today's's been real fun...after so long here in kampar, we've never had trips like's really a good release...
the mystery-a tree that has a shape of a panda bear..really look like one..
me and keong's self-shot(cannot see the bear jor)
liteng posing at the destroyed mansion during WW2
taken from one of the rooms..
L.teng, hui wen, bernice and keong-does it look like a mirror?
a closer look
self-shot..hehe...or shuld i say self-timer?
this is the corridor where kellie's soul is believed to be wandering about
keong blocked the scenery
the same grp of ppl again..haha
the 2 girls trying to post a nice pic where keong wanted to go hug both of them
the usual me..自恋
me and keong, plus quarter of bernice..hehe
me and keong 2
me and dear bernice
keong and bernice
keong and li teng
damn...having connection problem...dun get to upload be continue k??hehe
~luv & hugs~muakss
*¦Têññêê a.k.a.*¦¢µ±!e_Gîr£¦* a.k.a §ümlvlèr ¦*
Good lo... go trip bo jio...
no ah..they say when asked u all time no one give response ma..
i oso never go there b4...haha
PhO3y: should go la...nice place..hehe..go during evening la..
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