today is a bad day for Tennee again...pek chek with the Utar
s management..Foundation students is having exam at our block B,and so all our timetable have been changed...none of them know what timetable we need to follow today..whether it's the 1 week temporary timetable or the usual timetable...
our course rep and class rep called and ask but none of them inform us anything...and so,we assume we'll need to follow the old timetable...we've got calss at 8am,so we went there and one of my course mate,Boon told us that no class in the morning as they stated only 2 classes and it's in the noon and also late evening..
then we saw our lecturer passing by,and even my lecturer didn't know about the class is in late evening..they then went out to the FGO to confirm and my class rep called and say got class,ask us to go up to the meeting room next to the office,and we'll have our tutorial class there...mana tau,my lecturer came in and tell us class will be cancel..we were for being a bit harsh but then this is really making me pek chek...ive already got my headache and the timetable is like...swt..
this is still ok..things got worse later..i went back home and sleep...then phone keep on ringin non stop..according to our usual timetable,we've got IT tutorial class but then the FGO ppl said no..then a friend of mine called and say we've got IT class..sir said it's on and it's already up in the notice board...then later when we're in sch,another friend said no IT class...FGO cancelled it and said all classes cancel..i was like..what the...then later my fren sms me again said the class is ON...swt lo....pek chek
~luv & hugs~muakss
*¦Têññêê a.k.a.*¦¢µ±!e_Gîr£¦* a.k.a §ümlvlèr ¦*