It's my 2nd week of intern..
I'm enjoying my job here..
and also enjoy working with my team..
they are very very good..
but.. SIGH..
what a day it is today...
I fell sick and Reuben asked me to go home and rest..
Jeremy also did the same thing..
and I thought of going back after I've got enough rest coz I was too weak to drive..
So, Jeremy, Nick and I went for lunch at around 2 something...
and back half an hour like that..
then i realize
I was like.. WTF???!!!
seriously very worried, scared, and sad..
plus im sick today..
and so.. my sickness has gone from bad to worse...
thanks to Nick who fetched me to police station and all
and after 3 hours, by the time we're back at the studio,
it was parked exactly at the same place where I parked..
and it was LOCKED!! tht's the thing that none of us could understood..
It's very obvious that the car has been driven away and all..
but how did he manage to open my door and start my engine without my keys?
I've got my keys with me...
and when I tried to start the engine,
It still look the same...
This actually worries me...
went back to make a police report again..
and now..finally back at home..
~luv & hugs~muakss
*¦Têññêê a.k.a.*¦¢µ±!e_Gîr£¦* a.k.a §ümlvlèr ¦*
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