There's always this thought of me that i will or most probably the next cancer patient in the family..What kind of cancer? same with my dad.. The nasopharyngeal
cancer or more commonly known as the cancer of the nose..
Since when i was young, at the age of 3 or 4, i've went through an operation of the nose. I don't know how to explain what happen but according to my mom, i fell down and knocked on the nose when i first learn to crawl, and that causes a swollen thingy in my nose.. went to operate it but it came back... my sinus.. before they knew what happen, i first brought me for a check up if im not mistaken.. I'm not too sure but all I knew is that they wanted to check if I've got a cancerous tumor in my nose..just like what my dad got since more than 16 yrs ago, but the result was the sinus problem.
Ever since that time, I've always have nose bleeding problem, blockage of nose, breathing difficulty. I'm a child born with a lot of problems I can say but what i can say that, 'Don't judge a book by its cover' because the one who look the weakest always never the weakest. and ya, that was what Keong told me also.
Why do i suddenly post this kind of post here/? I've been having nose bleed these few days and perhaps last night, the whole night.. it was like a on and off thing, bleed, dry then later bleed again.. I still can remember clearly how my dad look and reacted on the day he died(where we suspected the tumor burst)- he was bleeding so so so much from both mouth and nose and finally he coughed out 'something'
. After he coughed out that 'thing' he bleed even more and maybe because he was lying down, the blood went backwards into his body, and finally flooded his lungs.
Not only experiencing nose bleed, visions are getting more blur-might be my powers went up, some of the symptoms that I've seen from the net- tho not all of it... well, it might be me who think too much as the weather here in Kampar is hot and humid..yea.. HOT and sometimes humid... It can be extremely hot this moment and the next minute, it starts to rain. therefore, might be the weather and perhaps lack of waters...hehe...
Anyhow, this is an article i found in the net...
Nose cancer is more common in men than women. Nose cancer symptoms are same as the symptoms of skin cancer if nose cancer is developed in the skin covering the nose but its symptoms will differ if it is caused in the lining of the nose or in the passage at the back of the nose. This passage joining the nose to the throat is known as nasopharynx. About 80 or 90% people having nose cancer will have blockage in their nasopharynx as the main symptom of nose cancer. Nose cancer is difficult to detect at an early stage because symptoms at this stage are very less. But as it enters an advanced stage the cancer grows deeper and may spread to other parts of the face. Nose bleeding is one of the main symptoms of nose cancer. Anyone can develop nose cancer. A lump may appear in the neck due to blockage which may cause pain or swelling in the throat. In the early stage the symptoms of nose cancer are very common such as headache, swelling in nose or blurred vision, which does not prove cancer. As they seem to be less dangerous but may cause severe damage that.s why proper attention should be given to them. Deafness and weakness of the muscles of the face can be major problems due to nose cancer. Weakness and swelling in the throat and tongue are experienced due to damage done by the tumor to the cranial nerves, a group of nerves. There can be problems in breathing due to this. The power of smelling and hearing gets reduced. Difficulty in swallowing food may be experienced due to blockage in the passage joining the nose to the throat. There can be problem in speaking also.
For more info, or to continue reading this article, you can visit the website here.
Those bolded ones were the symptoms i experienced. Oh well, I came to know that there's a difference between Nose cancer and Sinus Cancer where both the symptoms were kind of similar...
Sinus cancer arises from the lining of the sinus, which is a tissue called as mucosa. It is caused when a bacteria blocks the sinus cavity. The bone could itself be the origination of the sinus cancer. Initially the sinus cancer symptoms are ignored for a long time. The very common and early sinus cancer symptoms are: 1. Nose bleeds 2. Pain in a tooth or one ear 3. Obstructed nose also called as sinus congestion that will not get better and becomes worse. 4. Pus coming out of the nose and runny nose which is frequent. 5. Sense of smell decreases or becomes weak. 6. Cough and mucus. Usually blood is seen in the mucus. There might be excessive coughing in the night. 7. Sneezing and headache which normally starts after a bad cold or immediately after a cold.
More symptoms
Again, you might think that i think too much, but then even if it doesn't happen now, it might happen in future. I need to take precautions and be alert of it.. My Grandpa, died from cancer, i didn't know what cancer was that but it was in the stomach. My uncle, died from nose cancer, and dad.. died from nose cancer as well, and since i've got most of the symptoms since young, the probabilty of me being a possible patient is not impossible and perhaps, not surprise to me....
~luv & hugs~muakss
*¦Têññêê a.k.a.*¦¢µ±!e_Gîr£¦* a.k.a §ümlvlèr ¦*