Well.. Im bACK...hahah
was kind of busy for the past few weeks,
then I was LAzY to update here as well..haha..
Mass Comm Night is finally over..
and Frankly speaking,
though organizing and handling events are tiring and tough,
but we enjoyed a lot and what's more when it's my first event..
Great job guys...
everyone did their very best to make this event a success..
and I'm proud to say that this is the FIRST official event that UTAR allows us to invite artistes to be our guest performer..
Previously UTAR Karaokay Competition did invited once,
but they came as a judge..
ours is just here to enjoy and entertain the crowd..
all I can say that it's GREAT..
Who I invited?
invited one of my friend..
Kah Jun, 2008 top 10 finalist of ASQ, and is now famous for his canto pop, titled 三个字
Let's speak no more and let the pictures do the rest....

It is indeed a very tiring night.. but then I did enjoy the night alot..
Hope those who came for the event will enjoy as much as I do...
~luv & hugs~muakss
*¦Têññêê a.k.a.*¦¢µ±!e_Gîr£¦* a.k.a §ümlvlèr ¦*