Im actually kinda caught up with my assignments but then i guess i just need some time to rest and relax a bit before the it explodes in me..hehe
Well, today's main reason to go to Genting is actually to accompany my aunt.. She wanted to go, she called me and yea.I agreed..since she sponsor..wakaka..
so we went to the Old or should I say the Original casino at..erm... Resort hotel?? or Highland Hotel??not too sure though..
and Im so proud to say that I do look younger than my age...we went in to the casino few least 3 times i guess... and each time I were about to enter, I sure kena stopped and asked for my IC..haha..and someone still say i 'tak layak' to say i look younger than my age wor..wakkaka.. ;p
well, since I said I went to the casino, I suppose you guys will be asking whether I won or lose..haha...happy to announce that..beginner's luck..I WON..ahaha...surprised..haaha...
stop playign after winning and then go jalan jalan while waiting for the van to depart at 5pm..
here are some of the photos taken there..
I just love the cool air...sigh.. don't feel like going back to Kampar, the Malaysia's dessert...sigh...
Now im back in Ipoh, my aunt's place..and will be going back to Kampar, early in the morning attend 8am de class...guai leh??ahhaa... Genting day trip has been 'reported'..haha.. what is it that is so super wu liao??
haha...actually nothing special just that there's this 2 wu liao person... one is Tennee which is me of course..haha..and Nicholas a.k.a the bad guy..wakakka...
Both of us were actually chatting thru msn, and then he was away..I thought that it should time for me to go to bed and so I sent him a sms to say i wanted to sleep and stuffs like that..
then when he's back to msn, he msged me and i replied, when he replied to my sms at the same time..
then both of us were chatting thru msn and sms at the same time, chatting about different topics, and were just like nothing happens..haha... I've done so many wu liao things before..but this time it was really..speechless..haha....
even I myself dunno what to say..and we were tryign to explain that, Nicholas were chatting with Tennee thru sms and Bad Guy were chatting with AriesGal in msn... =.="
I know I am...erm..I mean WE ARE WU LIAO!!..waakkak
~luv & hugs~muakss
*¦Têññêê a.k.a.*¦¢µ±!e_Gîr£¦* a.k.a §ümlvlèr ¦*
wah...dat bears still ada at Genting...haha...
since duno how long liao...=_=
yea yea..hahah...very long ago...i very long din go theme park hotel liao..but i still remember the bear..haha
we are wu liao...wu liao...wu liao...haha...all these photos look very nice...muahaha.....><"
uncle wu liao come kacau huh??hhaa...wu liao wu laio
uncle wu liao will always come to here kacau de...muahahaha...><"
haha...kacau liao sun bianhelp me click the advertisements yea..hahah
what advertisements??
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